Saturday, January 7, 2012

No to resolutions—yes to goals

Resolutions, it seems, have become passé. I don't know about you, but the word resolution causes me to immediately conjure up the image of a ball and chain in my mind. Perhaps it is because resolutions are usually New Year's desires that are 99% likely to go unfulfilled that they are so distasteful. Anyway, I'm not resolving to do anything in 2012.

I find goals, however, to be another thing altogether. I like goals. They feel achievable, and this being January, there have been lots of writing websites with encouraging goal (and resolution) ideas. The first four are from DiYMFA (Do-It-Yourself Writing Degree), but I found other great articles through the Writers Knowledge Base. If you want more on writing goals (and even writing resolutions), you're much better off using their search engine created just to help you find articles on writing than you are trying to Google.


: ) Beth


  1. This year, I came up with a list of 12 goals for the year. The writing goals are on track so far. It's the "get the baby book done" goal that hasn't been touched ... but the year is young.

  2. Hi Stacy,

    Thanks for stopping by the blog. : ) Getting the baby book done is an ambitious goal, and I hope you have great success working on it!

    : ) Beth
