Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Clock is Ticking!

On your mark...

Get Set...


And there off!

There are seventeen days until NaNoWriMo. I have the countdown set on my iphone.

I still have yet to solidify what I am going to write about. Kinda unsettling. It's like I am about to jump out of a plane without a parachute. Sure, realistically speaking I would jump out of an airplane, but NEVER without a parachute, what am I crazy!

My mind goes in so many directions on what to write. I have semi-committed to an idea in my head, but I am still lacking idea's for, conflict, plot, and climax. That's all, no big deal, just those three things. So other then that Mrs. Lincoln, how did you like the play?

But in spite of all this, I am at peace. I feel confident it will all come together. Once I get an idea that I am passionate about, things will all fall into place. Right???


  1. As they say, "Necessity is the mother of invention." :)

  2. How about "Moms in space", I got that from Beth. A month in the life of a mother living and working on a space ship with one girl and three energetic boys who are always getting into things. Especially things the chief engineer doesn't want them getting into. Since this is science fiction it can go anywhere. Just think of the wierd planets you could visit because Andrew was playing games on the navagation computer. Or the intersteller war that was started because Caleb and Alex didn't realize the star ship they were shooting at on the control panel was real. And then Larry your ship board computer would rather be hunting.

  3. Now you know how a squirrel feels when it's in the middle of the road and a semi truck is bearing down on it.

  4. Dwight, I know you must be kidding because I don't do sci-fi. :)

  5. But for NaNoWriMo you could. You don't have to stick to your ususal genre. You can streach and explore new and uncharted areas. You can boldly go where you have never gone before!

  6. Okay, let me put it this way... I DO NOT LIKE Sci-Fi!

    So anything I have to find 50,000 words to complete should at least be something I like. :)

    Historical Fiction - yes

    Fantasy - yes

    Adventure - yes

    Romance - maybe

    Science-Fiction - absolutely not

    I do not like green eggs and ham, I do not like them Sam I Am!

    ...and please don't come back with, "try them, try them, and you may, try them and you may I say."
