Thursday, September 30, 2010

Just Write It

It has been way too long since my voice has been heard. I make no excuses. I am done with that. I am re-organizing my life and getting my priorities in order. Good, bad, or ugly, I chose to WRITE! JUST DO IT! Stop saying, "I'm busy. I'll get to it later." Procrastination is my enemy.

The important thing is writing something each day. Not anything life-changing, deep, or brilliant, only keeping the wheels of creativity going by putting something down on paper.

Some of us out there thrive on competition. I am one of those people. If you, like me, are having problems staying on the straight and narrow of writing consistency. Find someone to run with. Someone who will say, "Ha, Ha, I'm way ahead of you. Eat my dust turkey!" (hint, hint, Beth)

That's it. Plain, simple. Take the plunge. Jump off that cliff. Write!


  1. A year ago in August, I purposed to blog every day for a year. The goal was about 90% accomplished. A recent motivation I read said, "Every word you write on your blog, is a word you DON'T write on your book." Now, I'm trying to re-adjust what I write! There is always a challenge in writing. Thanks for another word of encouragement!

  2. That's a poignant thought, Mindy. When we use up our writing desire on blogs (or blog comments—oh no!), it's taking away from our writing. I'm going to take that to heart.

    Hey, Christine. EAT MY DUST! You're at the book club tonight, and my fingers are tapping, tapping, tapping! Ah, the surge of competition.

  3. P.S. Love the picture, Christine. Is that the writer who couldn't live with his first draft, or what?
